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How to Ensure API Quality with API Testing Using Postman in 2024

Pratik Patel
Pratik Patel
  • Oct 7, 2024
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    10 min read
How to Ensure API Quality with API Testing Using Postman in 2024
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Whether you’re a Software Developer, DevOps Engineer, or Quality Assurance (QA) specialist, mastering API testing with tools like Postman is essential, especially during development. API testing using Postman makes it possible to increase security, provide better user experiences, and minimize the possibility of losses through bugs or vulnerabilities.

Postman can be described as an API development environment that can be used in designing, testing, documenting, and managing APIs with ease through the use of a GUI. With automation capabilities, it streamlines API workflows. Thus, a recent survey of over 40,000 developers revealed that more than 43% of respondents, including many company executives, indicated that APIs account for over a quarter of their organization’s revenue.

API management is also well figured out with Postman for testing APIs the software guarantees that APIs are active as required, receptive to various conditions, and effective in performance. 

At the same time, its compatibility with tools like Jenkins and GitHub integrated with API testing capabilities and flexibility in working with REST, GraphQL, and SOAP APIs makes it one of the most popular solutions for API testing in 2024.

When navigating the complex world of API testing, challenges can arise at every stage, whether it's securing seamless integration, debugging errors, or maintaining high security. Postman, while being an excellent tool for API testing, can still present challenges during development.

As you are aware, there are always testing barriers that make API testing processes challenging at times, but at Alphabin, we pride ourselves on providing solutions that guarantee perfect processes in API testing. 

By utilizing the team’s work, we improve the API testing processes to perform them as quickly and effectively as possible, to avoid any bugs, and to ensure that your platform works at its best so the software is ready for deployment.

What is API Quality, and Why Does It Matter?

API quality is the effectiveness of API in its function to be reliable, efficient, and easy to interact with. Quality of API means that the interface between different software components, systems, or services is efficient and significantly related to easy and perfect communication flow for better user interface or business outcomes. API testing using Postman facilitates these qualities since it enables one to confirm that APIs are operating appropriately.

Impact of Poor API Quality on User Experience and Business Outcomes

Impact of poor API quality on user experience and business outcomes

Poor API quality can have a significant negative impact on both users and businesses. Users may face disrupted services or inconsistent functionality if an API is unreliable, slow, or fails to deliver the expected results. This leads to frustration and a poor user experience, potentially driving customers away from a product.

For businesses, poor API quality can result in:

  • Increased downtime: This may cause the system to have a lot of outages where the outages are a result of inefficient or buggy APIs.
  • Loss of revenue: Losing customers is bad enough, but when the business suffers from inaccurate APIs and users run to other services, then that bad business.
  • Damaged reputation: Continuous issues with APIs can put a brand in a negative light since consumers will not be able to trust them.
  • Higher maintenance costs: There is always some level of debugging as well as patching for low-quality APIs that consume resources.

Why Consistent Testing is Essential for Maintaining API Quality

Thus, maintaining high quality of APIs requires testing and for this purpose, tools such as Postman can be employed. Thus, using API testing with the help of Postman, developers are provided with the possibility to create scripts for testing purposes to check whether every function of an API operates perfectly at different stages of environments

Consistent API testing helps:

  • Identify bugs early: Avoid significant problems before they affect the customers.
  • Enusre performance: Testing APIs guarantees fast and accurate responses during high traffic loads.
  • Verify integrations: API testing ensures that the interaction between different components of software is seamless.

By utilizing API testing Postman, teams can continually monitor and improve API performance, ensuring top-tier quality and reducing risks of failure. It also proves to be more effective in contributing to improved satisfaction of users, and therefore enhanced business performance.


Why Postman is the Go-To Tool for API Testing in 2024

In 2024, Postman remains a top choice for developers worldwide when it comes to API testing. With its user-friendly interface and powerful automation capabilities, Postman simplifies the API testing process, allowing teams to ensure seamless API functionality. Let’s explore the key features, how it compares to other tools, and how major companies use Postman for their API testing needs.

Postman will maintain its authority as the go-to tool for developers globally when it comes to API testing. With its simple and reflexive interface and the functionality to organize work with APIs, the Postman tool helps manage the API testing process and guarantees its successful work in teams. 

I will discuss the main points, how it stands out from the competition, and what large enterprises utilize Postman for API testing.

Postman’s Key Features and Benefits

Postman offers several standout features that make it the go-to tool for API testing using Postman:

Postman's key features and benefits
  • Ease of Use: His tool has a clean and easily understandable interface, which is helpful for developers ranging from beginners to very experienced ones.
  • Automation: While using Postman, teams can schedule tests to be done, and this helps in the testing of the APIs as they are always assured to work in every environment.
    Postman for API testing improves the use of CI/CD pipelines so that testing can go on through continuous testing and deployment is also done quickly.
  • Comprehensive Testing Capabilities: Postman is suitable for testing REST, SOAP, and GraphQL APIs, providing versatility regardless of the type of API employed by a business.
  • Collaboration: Postman’s workspace enables API collections, environments and test results to be shared within a team to make it easier to collaborate.
  • API Monitoring: Postman provides real-time monitoring of APIs, allowing teams to ensure performance remains optimal under various conditions.

Real-World Examples of Companies Using Postman for API Testing

Many global companies leverage Postman for their API testing needs due to its flexibility and scalability.

  • Twitter: They use Postman to check their public APIs to consumers, thus guaranteeing API users a perfect experience with their platform.
  • Shopify: Uses Postman to try several API platforms so that their user interface for merchants does not differ from one system to another.
  • PayPal: Postman for internal and external API testing while ensuring a high amount of transaction security as well as continually focusing on users.

That is why many of these companies use Postman because the quality of their API and test checks are done here without any issues. This real-world application above shows why Postman is still the best tool to use in testing APIs using Postman in 2024.This real-world reliance demonstrates why Postman continues to be the go-to tool for API testing using Postman in 2024.

How to Test APIs Using Postman

Here are some of the things that you have to go through when attempting to use Postman for API testing: creating a new API request, writing a test, and even running the test. Postman is a widely used application for API testing and documentation, and no developer or QA engineer should work without it. Here's a guide on how to use Postman for testing APIs:

Step 1: Installing Postman 

  1. Download and install Postman from the official site.
  2. Once installed, launch the application.

Step 2: Creating a New Request

  1. Open Postman and click the New button.
  2. Choose HTTP Request to create a new request.
  3. Enter the URL and the API you want to test in the request URL field.
  4. Select the appropriate HTTP method like GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE based on the API.

Step 3: Setting Up the Request

  1. Params: If the API requires URL parameters, click on the "Params" tab and add key-value pairs.
  2. Headers: Add any required headers (e.g., Content-Type: application/json, Authorization tokens) in the "Headers" tab.
  3. Body: If you are making a POST, PUT, or PATCH request, go to the "Body" tab and select the format (e.g., raw, form-data, x-www-form-urlencoded). Enter the JSON or form data you need for the request.

Step 4: Sending the Request

  1. After setting up the request, click on the Send button.
  2. Postman will execute the request and display the response from the server in the Response section below.

Step 5: Writing Test

In the “Tests” tab, Postman lets you write tests using JavaScript. These tests assist in confirming the response data and as well ensure the API responds as it was programmed.

  1. Click on the Tests tab.
  2. Use Postman objects to write tests. Here is a code
// Test if the status code is 200
pm.test("Status code is 200", function () {;

// Test if the response body contains a specific field
pm.test("Response has 'name' field", function () {
    var jsonData = pm.response.json();

// Test if a specific value in the response body is correct
pm.test("Correct value for 'name' field", function () {
    var jsonData = pm.response.json();
    pm.expect('John Doe');
  1. After adding the test script, click Send to run the request and automatically execute the tests.
  2. Test results appear at the bottom of the Tests tab, showing which tests passed and failed.

Step 6: Using Environment and Global Variables

Postman allows you to create variables for dynamic values (like API keys or environment URLs) which can be reused across requests.

  1. Environment Variables: Go to the top-right corner and click on the Environment dropdown. Create a new environment (e.g., "Dev", "Production") and add variables.
  2. Global Variables: Use global variables for values that do not change across environments.
  3. Using Variables: Use the syntax {{variable_name}} in the request URL, headers, or body to reference variables.
pm.environment.set("token", "your_api_token_here");

Then, use {{token}} in headers for authentication.

Step 7: Creating Collections for API Requests

  1. Collections in Postman allow you to organize multiple API requests.
  2. To create a collection, click on New and choose Collection. Give it a name (e.g., "User API Tests").
  3. Add requests to the collection for easy access and execution.

Step 8: Running a Collection (Collection Runner)

  1. Click on the Runner button in the top left corner to open the Collection Runner.
  2. Select the collection you want to run and choose an environment (if applicable).
  3. Click Start Test to execute all requests and tests in the collection. The results will be displayed, showing which tests passed or failed.

Step 9: Generating API Documentation

  1. Select the collection you want to document.
  2. Click on the View More Actions next to the collection and select Generate Collection Documentation.
  3. You can publish this documentation or share it with your team.


Common Pitfalls in API Testing and How to Avoid Them

API testing is important to check how different components in software work and interface with each other, but this activity is not without its problems. Some of the most common problems that can cause a decrease in the effectiveness of testing are omissions of edge cases, incorrect handling of errors, and differing environments of testing.

In this section, let’s discuss some of the most common pitfalls people make when testing APIs and how you can avoid them to have a solid, reliable, and fast set of tests.

Typical Mistakes Made During API Testing

  1. Inadequate Test Coverage: Lack of attention to the scenarios and edge cases, boundary values, and negative examples that can result in invisible bugs in production.
  2. Hard-Coding Values: By entering real URLs, authentication keys, or inputs, tests cannot easily be modified and maintained whenever there is a change in APIs between development and production environments.
  3. Ignoring Performance Testing: The practice of not testing APIs in terms of their capabilities to handle loads, stress, or pressure may lead to poor user experience while in the expansion of the given system or during high traffic.
  4. Not Validating Response Structure: For instance, only validating the status code results in important problems because the response only checks if the HTTP status code was correctly sent without validating that the required fields, objects, or even data types are present in the full response body.

Simple Solutions to Avoid Common API Testing Pitfalls

Simple solutions to avoid common API testing pitfalls
  1. Expand Test Coverage: Ensure that all areas of the software are sufficiently addressed through the incorporation of both positive and negative test cases as well as edge tests
  2. Use Environment Variables: Do not use a specific path or any URL or token directly in the code; instead, use environment variables. This makes it possible to run tests without complications in different environments such as development, staging, and production.
  3. Incorporate Performance Testing: Include load testing tools such as JMeter for testing or Postman for monitoring to simulate high-traffic scenarios, ensuring the API can handle real-world usage.
  4. Validate Response Structure: Don’t rely on the status codes alone; make sure fields, data types and response time exist in the API response to be able to capture any small error.

Tips for ensuring consistent and reliable API tests

To ensure reliable API tests, store your test collections in version control to maintain consistency and track changes. CI/CD pipelines should be used to automated testing for the identification of problems at the earliest time possible. Last but not least, use environment variables and clean test data before each run for the tests to be more flexible and standard across different environments.


In this blog, I have shared some of the key concepts of API testing with Postman, such as environment management, dynamic testing, API testing issues, and their best solutions. When applied alongside the power of Postman automation environment variables, and its efficient testing features, you can guarantee that your APIs are not only robust but also elastic and capable of filling the demands of complex application environments.

In general, knowing these practices can help improve the efficiency and productivity of API testing regardless of whether you’re a developer, DevOps engineer, or QA specialist to guarantee that your software will work without a pitfall.

While performing API testing, if you face any problems, get stuck, or find any bugs or errors, please do ping us. Believe us, Alphabin’s team has faced all those problems often, working with Postman and API testing, so we know how to assist you.

Whether you need help with improving the testing process, dealing with problems, or getting professional recommendations, we’ll make your API processes flawless. Let us manage the intricacies for you to unleash the optimum form of your software.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Is a Postman Collection and Why Should I Use It?
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A Postman Collection is a set of interconnected API calls that may contain test scripts and variables. Collections make it easier to share and automate API tests within your team, thus making the work easier compared to other types of tests.

How Can We Efficiently Manage API Versioning in Postman?
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API versioning is quite satisfying in Postman as it can be controlled effectively with the help of environment variables. It is preferable to store the version number (e.g., v1, v2), as a string like `{{apiVersion}}`. This makes it possible to substitute one API version with another at runtime and without changing each request. The second approach is making different collections for each version to test version-specific functionality to its best.

Can Postman Handle Multiple API Versions Simultaneously?
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Yes, in Postman multiple API versions can work as per the multiple environments or different collections set in the project. For versioning, it is recommended to use environment variables as several tests can be executed while no modifications have to be made in requests.

How Can We Automate Versioned API Testing in Postman?
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To make the versioned APIs' tests more automatic, you need to use Newman (Postman’s Command Line Interface) and execute the Postman collection. Another advantage is that with the setting of proper environment variables for each created version in the workflow and automation of Collection runs based on it, all versions of the API are tested regularly and potential issues are detected in the early stages of the releases.

About the author

Pratik Patel

Pratik Patel

Pratik Patel is the founder and CEO of Alphabin, an AI-powered Software Testing company.

He has over 10 years of experience in building automation testing teams and leading complex projects, and has worked with startups and Fortune 500 companies to improve QA processes.

At Alphabin, Pratik leads a team that uses AI to revolutionize testing in various industries, including Healthcare, PropTech, E-commerce, Fintech, and Blockchain.

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“Using Postman for API testing transformed our workflows. We reduced bugs by 80% and improved system reliability, which directly boosted user satisfaction."

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