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Avoiding Automation Testing Pitfalls with High-Quality Test Code

Pratik Patel
Pratik Patel
  • Oct 11, 2024
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    9 min read
Avoiding Automation Testing Pitfalls with High-Quality Test Code
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So in today’s world of software development, where things happen so fast, test automation is no longer an option but a necessity. Thus, it helps developers shift their attention to creativity and develop new features rather than being bogged down by monotonous microtasks. But here’s the catch: automation isn’t an effortless solution. If not handled properly, it can create more issues than solutions—poor-quality test code, unreliable (flaky) tests, and holes in test coverage.

The true value of automation is not in writing long test codes that are difficult to maintain and that collapse as the application changes. When utilized properly, automation may be a fantastic facilitator; when misused, it can become a major expenditure.

Sometimes poor test code can help create flaky and unreliable tests, and at worst it frustrates developers and stalls a project. In this blog, we explore how high-quality test code could be a means of preventing common automation testing pitfalls. We will also talk about the way Alphabin’s expert QA team builds high-quality test code, leading to more reliable, stable, and maintainable automated tests.


What is Test Automation and Why is it Important?

Test automation means using automation tools to perform tests on an application, and the process does not require manual intervention. Testing is now automated because it is faster, less prone to human interference, and ensures that, in many scenarios, the application will perform how we want it to. 

However, the quality of automated tests largely depends on the quality of the test code. Poor test code leads to tests that fail unexpectedly, making them difficult to maintain, or worse—tests that pass even when there is a real problem in the system. When test code is of high quality, automated testing are not only fast, but they're also reliable, giving even the developers great confidence that their software is bug-free. 

High-quality test code plays an essential role in modifying the entire software development lifecycle. With efficient, reliable tests, teams can identify issues earlier, reduce reliance on manual testing, and minimize the need for rework caused by late-stage bugs. This would be more efficient for the development process, enabling faster releases and delivering superior software more frequently.

Why Does High-Quality Automation Test Code Matter?

Good quality testing code helps us get reliable, constant results of testing, which makes us sure that the results are true and that we were able to identify bugs early. It also cuts down on testing overhead, making the test suite easier and easier to update and maintain.

What Makes Test Code High-Quality?

In order to produce high-quality code, the test code reuses many of the qualities of good production code. Here’s what distinguishes high-quality test code:

What makes test code high quality?
  • Clarity: The code needs to be simple and easy to read. That means using meaningful variable names and writing tests logically, not overcomplicating tests with too much complex logic.
  • Maintainability: Easy maintenance, good test code. That consists of minimizing code duplication, making the code modular, and making the tests so that the changes to the application are easy to reflect in the tests.
  • Reliability: Tests should give consistent and reliable results. The application should either pass or fail based on actual application behavior, rather than because of unstable test conditions or poor code.

Benefits of High-Quality Test Code

  • Reliable Test Results: Test code that’s high quality gives you dependable test outcomes. This is useful for developers to find out what is wrong in an application so that they can ignore the noise of flaky or unreliable te
  • sts.
  • Reduced Bugs in Production: High-quality test code catches defects early in their development cycle, preventing bugs from ever making it all the way to production environments, saving you time and effort in debugging.
  • Increased Confidence for Developers: If tests are reliable and deep, developers trust the base of their code better, leading them to feel safer pushing releases more frequently without the risk of breaking their code.
  • Lower Maintenance Costs: Tests of high quality require little maintenance over time. Well-written test cases allow the application to grow with ease, and with little change necessary to the tests, there's much less overhead in updating the test suite.

Common Automation Pitfalls Due to Poor Test Code

Automation testing may improve the efficiency of the development process, but it does so only based on how good the code for tests is. Poor code may make way for false positives, increase maintenance costs, and lower coverage while weakening the testing process:

Common automation pitfalls due to poor test code

Flaky Tests

Flaky tests are those that pass or fail inconsistently without making any changes to the code, often resulting from poor code quality. This unreliable automation process makes testing time-consuming, forcing developers to waste time investigating issues that don't exist, which ultimately hinders productivity.

Fragile Tests

Tests that are too closely tied to the specific implementation of an application, rather than focusing on its performance, are liable to fragility and can easily break. For instance, changes to the user interface (UI) may cause test failures even if the functionality remains unaffected. These 'fragile' tests require constant attention and maintenance, resulting in inefficiencies and added effort.

Weak Locator Strategy

Testers use locators that depend heavily on the Document Object Model (DOM) hierarchy, often involving deeply nested or overly specific XPaths or CSS selectors. When you depend on the exact location or structure of elements, even a small modification in the webpage’s layout can break your tests.

Overloaded Methods

The more actions or scenarios that test methods do, or the more multiple scenarios test methods run, the harder it is to understand and maintain test methods. Ideally, each test should focus on one specific behavior so that when something breaks, it is easier to find and indeed debug it.

Unmaintainable Test Data

It includes hard-coded test data such as specific user details or product info, and those create problems when the data that they represent changes. A good test suite needs to use dynamic or more structured test data so should adapt to the principles of the system alteration.

How to Avoid Automation Pitfalls with Quality Test Code

Here are several key avoid common pitfalls in test automation:

1. Plan a Clear Test Automation Strategy

A testing strategy that clearly defines an approach is needed to guide your automation efforts. Focus areas that are most important to automate and identify them with business goals. Outline the scope, objectives, and timeline for defining test automation to align with the project's needs and unnecessary complexity can be avoided. Dynamic planning reduces risks.

2. Track Test Effectiveness and Continuously Improve

That would not be sufficient; you have to measure the effectiveness of your tests continuously. Monitor the test suite's ability to discover defects, a reduction of manual effort, and increase coverage more regularly. Advanced analytics and reporting tools help to understand performance, stability, and what causes test failure. This data-driven approach will make sure that your test automation improves over time, and then evolves to the changing needs, and is continuously growing more efficient.

3. Ensure Test Code ReducesTest Flakiness

Flaky tests give unreliable test results, which undermines the dependability of automation. Low quality test code often causes instability, making it hard to identify real bugs. Quality test code would minimize flaking through means such as reliable waits, replacing any hard-coded data, and environment settings optimization. 

4. Keep Test Data Consistent and Relevant

Test data is important to ensure that automation correctly models real-world scenarios. Low-quality or irrelevant test data can result in misleading test results. A consistent set of relevant data that captures the typical production situation is crucial in ensuring that your system will behave correctly in all possible scenarios. Use data management tools for the generation, storage, and maintenance of test data in such a manner that it stays in sync with application changes. This ensures that your tests are accurate as well as meaningful.

Tips for Writing High-Quality Test Code

Here are additional best practices to ensure your test code is both high-quality and effective:

Tips for writing high quality test code
  • Keep Tests Small and Focused: A piece of functionality should be covered by each test. Failure hunting is simply easier.
  • Reuse Common Test Functions: Instead, if a set of multiple tests need to do the same thing (say, logging in), then use helper methods to remove duplication.
  • Document Your Tests: Use comments or annotations describing what each test verifies. It makes it easy for other team members to know what the test is trying to achieve quickly.
  • Run Tests in Parallel: When trying to improve test execution speed, it is tempting to run the tests in parallel. But make sure that the tests are not dependent on each other and run them independently at the same time.

How Alphabin Helps To Test Automation With High-Quality Test Code

Alphabin is a leading software testing company with a team of highly skilled experts dedicated to delivering high-quality test automation solutions. Here's how Alphabin helps ensure success in test automation:

  • Focus on Quality: Alphabin regards quality as the key factor affecting the results for each stage of the testing procedure. They contribute to minimizing worries about flaky test scripts and maximizing overall test comprehensiveness when working with applications.
  • Tailored Testing Frameworks: Alphabin constructs specific testing frameworks meeting certain requirements of a project that its employees are working on. This means that the framework is stable enough, though it can be easily adapted to capture as much of the complexity of the software as possible.
  • Continuous Support: As clients continue using the services of us, they can make the necessary adjustments to increase or decrease the level of automation needed for their applications. This way, automated tests remain relevant with respect to the software being tested, preventing the buildup of technical debt.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Thus, we offers reporting with comprehensible analysis to help the teams enhance the approaches to automation and increase the quality of the software, in general.



When writing the test code, adherence to quality is critical since it makes the results consistent, and small errors are handled before new test runs are conducted again. This enhances the developers’ confidence, reduces the amount of technical debt, and makes room for faster and more efficient releases. Assuming the overall quality of the test code, there are no issues that teams face that can threaten the fate of the project in the long run.

Alphabin has a highly specialized QA team that is committed to providing excellent test code, concentrating on creating good frameworks for premium testing. This approach ensures that your software runs to the most optimal capacity possible at all times. When correcting possible weaknesses, Alphabin ultimately improves the quality of your software by offering full-service software testing, which makes us your ideal QA outsourcing partner.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is test automation essential for software development?
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Test automation involves the use of testing tools and scripts to automate the testing process for high-quality software applications. It improves efficiency by reducing manual testing efforts, speeding the release cycle, and ensuring unified testing across multiple scenarios. High-quality test automation enables teams to identify defects early on, resulting in more quality software.

How can I improve my automation strategy?
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To improve your test automation strategy, focus on building clear, maintainable test cases, use modular test design, prioritize key features for automation, and regularly review test outcomes to identify areas for improvement.

How does high-quality test code impact test automation?
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High-quality test code provides automated testing more reliable and accessible. It decreases false positives, reduces maintenance costs, and increases developer confidence. Test code that is clear, modular, and focused on actual application behaviour produces more effective testing results.

How does Alphabin’s QA team ensure high-quality test code?
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Alphabin’s QA team ensures high-quality test code by following best practices, conducting thorough code reviews, building custom test frameworks tailored to each project, and continuously integrating automated tests into the development pipeline for early feedback.

About the author

Pratik Patel

Pratik Patel

Pratik Patel is the founder and CEO of Alphabin, an AI-powered Software Testing company.

He has over 10 years of experience in building automation testing teams and leading complex projects, and has worked with startups and Fortune 500 companies to improve QA processes.

At Alphabin, Pratik leads a team that uses AI to revolutionize testing in various industries, including Healthcare, PropTech, E-commerce, Fintech, and Blockchain.

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Avoiding Automation Testing Pitfalls with High-Quality Test Code